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Are there health benefits to consuming rice congee daily?


Are there health benefits to consuming rice congee daily?

Are you looking for food options that are healthy and will also satisfy your cravings? Then a bowl of congee is just what you need. Rich in flavour and filled with the goodness of nutrients, rice congee is the perfect dish to have daily for anyone, especially children who are picky eaters. Introduce your fussy baby to a warm bowl of rice congee topped with the things they love. The delicious dish is also beneficial for your overall well-being.

Here is how eating rice congee daily will help you and your child:

Good for your baby 

Mealtimes can be troublesome when you have a picky eater in the home. Congee is one of the best food options for children. The dish is easy to digest and loaded with protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Plus, you can make the dish easily at home.

Healthy & Comforting for your body and soul

Suffering from a high fever or flu can lead to a loss of appetite. On such days, a warm bowl of rice congee is the best healing food to restore your appetite and fill your body with the energy you need to fight the flu. In ancient Asian medicine, congee, or rice porridge, was widely consumed for flu remedies as well as holistic health. 

By simply boiling rice for a long time in water, broth, or stock with a wide variety of ingredients, including chicken, fish, vegetables, and more you’ll end up with a congee dish that will soothe your body and soul. The slow cooking process enables the rice grains to break down, and the starch blends into the stock, creating an appetising flavor that suits your palette.

Takes care of your gut health 

If you want to practise natural therapy, the first step is to change your diet and lifestyle. Incorporating healthy foods is good for your gut health and overall well-being. However, most of us find it hard to stick to healthy eating habits as the food tends to be too bland for our taste. As a result, we can’t maintain the diet for long. But with rice congee, you can stick to your diet without worrying about your health. 

Rice congee is especially good for you if you have digestive issues or stomach inflammation. The soft and creamy texture is easy to swallow and also comforting for your stomach, if you have intestinal pains or stomach cramps. Consume congee every day for your breakfast, lunch or dinner and your body will start to thank you for it.

If you are looking for home-made rice congee and porridges, soups and broths in Singapore, stop by Shane’s Kitchen. We can also help you with home-cooked food ideas in Singapore. Check out our Instagram for new recipes.

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