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Home-Cooked Meals Explained


Home-Cooked Meals Explained

Did you know that a survey conducted in 2018 revealed that more than half of Singaporeans dine out more often than we thought? It might not seem like such a big deal, but you definitely would not want to miss out on the endless benefits of home-cooked meals. A perfectly balanced home-cooked meal provides a nutritious punch for your body and mind. Surely, it doesn't hurt to save a few bucks too! Let's dive deeper into the benefits of home-cooked meals.
  1. Your mental and emotional health improves
Nothing like experimenting with your kitchen ingredients, and favourite recipes with your loved ones, to get those creative juices and happy hormones flowing. Boost your happier and healthier vibes when everyone binges on a lovely plate of wholesome, home-cooked food. Perhaps, it is time to consider ditching those restaurant meals for a change?
  1. You can maintain the food quality and nutrition
When you prepare your meal at home, you decide what ingredients go in it and how you would like your ideal meal prepared. Unlike a restaurant dish, you have total control over what your food choices. You can go for organic veggies, free-range meats, whole grains and other healthier options. You can also opt for healthier cooking methods such as steam, broil, bake or grill your food to make your meal lower in nasties and more nutritious.
  1. You decide on your desired food portion and intake
The lavish menu and larger than required food portions in restaurants often tempt us to overeat and indulge excessively. On the other hand, you get to decide how much food will be sufficient and good for you. This is a great tip for those working on healthy weight management. Here are a few tips for you to become a pro at preparing meals at home:
  • Food preparation and meal planning will save you a lot of time and effort when you cook your delicious meals. Come up with your favourite meal ideas for the next 3-4 days and stock your kitchen with all the necessary ingredients so you avoid the hassle of having to rush to the supermarket whenever needed.
  • On days you feel super pumped to cook, prepare extra food. Refrigerate the excess portion and microwave it when you crave for comfort food but don't quite feel like cooking. Sounds efficient? Also, you have convenient access to Shane’s Kitchen, homemade food delivery services in Singapore, to the rescue.
  • There are tons of complicated recipes on the internet that contain plenty of fanciful cooking steps and extravagant ingredients. Please don't fall for it! (at least not when you have a busy schedule) Instead, go for quick and easy yet delicious and nutritious, one-pot recipes with the best of ingredients to provide you with all the nutrition you need to keep you going for the day.
  • Make cooking fun! Cooking is not a chore. Turn cooking into a bonding activity with your loved ones? Schedule cooking date nights with your partner where you both help prepare one meal as a team. Or you can get your siblings to join you in your cooking spree. A cook out is great for friends to get down dirty, messy and delicious too! (Hopefully, no one would mind the cleaning up after).
It is not as scary and intimidating to prepare meals at home as you initially thought, is it? All we need is to put a little thought into it, a quick nudge to execute the idea, add a touch of love, and there you have it, the best home cooked meal you can enjoy for a happier, healthier you, and your family. However, on days when you just want to laze in your couch, you can always reach for that box of delish packed meal or get down to quick cooking with your favourite broth made by Shane’s Kitchen, a healthy home-cooked food delivery Singapore service, brought from one mom’s kitchen to yours for a better you.

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